* The Campbell Report
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01   Will A WonderBra Improve Your Rating?

02   Warpaint

03  Crying Wolf

04   In The Bag

05   The Pillowfight: Packing Bricks

06   The Girl's Club

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ChessChick's Guide To Girl Stuff

It's In The Bag!

Right now I'm again engaged in the familiar Hunt For The Perfect Purse. It's not that I don't have a purse, it's just that it's too big or too small or the wrong color or it doesn't have features I've decided that I need. This happens every 6-12 months like clockwork. Typically I want something fairly small which will nevertheless hold all my worldly possessions and be lightweight no matter how much I stuff into it. I look longingly at enormous amorphous bags but unfortunately they never have enough pockets so I turn back to consider purses of more reasonable proportions.

When I was a kid watching Disney's Mary Poppins the scene that stuck in my head was when she unpacked that marvelous carpetbag. It held all her possessions-- from garments to a hatrack! What I really want is a bag like that!

Seeing Mary Poppins with her marvelous bag, young and impressionable girls decide that not only do they want to fly, but they want to be able to pack their entire life into a modest-sized bag. (Hence, the Hunt For The Perfect Purse.) We typically carry around purses, backpacks or ultra-modern hybrids with enough stuff to see us through every conceivable situation. Even a chess tournament.

To see me pack for a typical tournament, you'd think I was going to a foreign country. (I've been to wilderness areas with more amenities than some venues.) An equipment bag can't hold much more than equipment and a typical purse can't hold board, set, and clock. A knapsack or tote bag is much better (unless you find one of those huge amorphous purses with lots of pockets).

"Could you hold this for a sec?

"Sheesh! What've you got in here---bricks???"

A well-packed bag that can't stagger a healthy adult male or bring him to his knees is not a well-packed bag.

The same guy who shakes his head over all the "junk" girls carry will be the same guy begging you for aspirin, bandaids, crackers, or mercy later in the tournament. Among the things I carry with me are: sweater, aspirin, bandaids, thermos, snack crackers and extra pens.

It's a sad fact, but a guy who will spend hours studying and preparing for a tournament won't take half a minute to drop aspirin into his equipment bag. He'll ask a woman because we traditionally carry purses which means we can be counted on to supply everything from medicine to spare shoelaces. He finds it both wonderful and hilarious that we're well-prepared! (What would he do if we weren't ??) He can see four moves ahead, but he can't see that his equipment bag is basically just a big purse! Granted, it won't hold a sweater and thermos, but aspirin, bandaids, a small snack and some extra pens, yes.

Let's face it...It's normal for women to carry this stuff; it's not normal for guys to carry it. There are guys who carry--in their four-wheel-drive vehicle--everything they'd need to survive a nuclear blast and live in a post-apocalyptic world for ten years. They are survivalists: they are not mainstream. On the other hand, a woman typically carries the same stuff in her purse every day and we (and our purses) are part of mainstream society. Hence we get hit up for aspirin at tournaments. When things on the chessboard go BOOM, it's us chess chicks who have the survival gear.

I've watched guys turning blue and trying to curl into a ball in their chair to preserve body heat while this chess chick pulls on her sweater and snuggles in for a comfortable game. I've seen guys with desperate eyes searching the venue for caffeine while I'm curled up with my thermos. Even if you're not prone to headaches, take aspirin with you. The guys will need aspirin. They'll generally need to choke down a couple while analyzing their lost ending with you. If they chew their cuticle into the quick to emerge "bloodied but unbowed" they'll need that bandaid, too.

Of course the stuff a good chess chick hauls to the tournament hall is nothing compared to the suitcase if it is a hotel tourney. You'll need a dozen bottles of nail polish to choose from, a hotpot to make tea or coffee, a few select reference books you may never crack, and a mindless trashy novel to read when you get back to your room after a late round and are too keyed up to sleep. Boom box and walkman optional.

A word about food: pack snacks. The hotel restaurant may be closed after a late round and you may be too tired to go out and forage or too broke for room service. Also there are the times when you don't have enough time to go eat between rounds. A guy may "tough it out", but a chess chick never misses a meal! I've beaten dazed guys (rated higher than I am) who missed lunch and had no snack tucked into their bags. The brain needs fuel, so don't forget to pack some.

The bag you take to a tournament should hold not only your equipment, but all the necessities of life, whatever you deem necessary for you to be happy and comfortable throughout the tournament. Your comfort level, both physical and psychological, affects your play. When you're relaxed and happy, you're dangerous!

And so my search for The Perfect Purse continues....

Victory is "in the bag"!


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