2018 Mason Photo Walks:
Winter in Mason |
2018 Mason events: Mason 5K Race | Spring Fling | July the 4th | Camino 5K Race | Sundried Music Fest | Homecoming Parade | Down Home Days | 2018 Trips outside of Mason: Other pages: Mason Links | My Favorite Photos Photo Walks for Other Years: 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2019 |
18 February 2018 Winter in Mason I took a walk around my neighborhood documenting some of the Winter scenes. I also concentrated on using my most recent lens purchase, the celebrated Olympus 75/1.8 lens. In addition to the regular small photos and corresponding moderate size images in a popup window I also have provided full size high resolution photos for 12 of the photos. The full sized images vary in size from approximately 3 megabytes to 9 megabytes. Go to: Winter in Mason |
4 May 2018 Annual Commercial Bank Mason 5K Run/Walk This year marked my 9th straight year participating in the Mason 5K race, now sponsored by Commercial Bank. Last year I wasn't in good shape for the walk and achieved my worst time. This year, as part of my New Year's Resolution to lose 20 pounds, I spent some time in the gym on the treadmill and have built up some stamina. That really helped on that final three blocks, which is very much up hill. I only improved by 1:20 from 46:48 to 45:27 but I'll take it. BTW, I have lost 8 pounds so far. Go to: Commercial Bank 5K Race |
5 May 2018 Spring Fling Another Spring, another Mason Spring Fling! And what a day for it, sunny with mild temperatures. There was a huge turnout and everyone seemed to be having a great time. As usually, I bought enough goodies, mainly from the church ladies, to continue my enjoyment for many days. Go to: Spring Fling |
4 July 2018 July the 4th This year I took it easy on the 4th. I only spent a little time at the parade taking a number of record shots. I spent more time at the annual car show and focused on interesting photos without regard to record shots. These ventage car shows I've been to usually have a plethora of interesting details, reflections, colors, etc. and can be fun. What you see on the July 4th web page is my idea of photographic art. I have a great time. |
10 August 2018 Upcoming Sundried Music Festival Information No photos yet but the band list along with the schedules are listed for your information. 31 Aug 2018 update: All the band photos have been added. Only a couple general sets of photos may be incomplete for a few days. |
12 August 2018 9th Annual Camino of St. James 8K/5K and Fun Runs Car show and parade Go to: Camino of St. James 5K Race |
31 August 2018 9th Annual Mason Sundried Music Festival 24-25 August 2018 The annual Sundried Music Fest was underway on Friday night 24 August '18 with the Capital Sundogs playing from 7:00pm till 11:00pm. On Saturday the remaing 12 groups presented their music on the two stages. There was a threat of rain but it held off with only some rain early on Saturday before the music started. Once again the event was a success with some great music finished off late into the evening by the spectacular Showdown band |
14 September 2018 Homecoming Parade The Homecoming parade was a lead up to the football game. Go to: Homecoming Parade |
15 September 2018 45th Down Home Days This was the 45th annual Down Home Days Show in Mason. More informations can be found here. I always enjoy this show. There is food, sales booths of various products, various commercial companies with products and services, entertainment and the regular weekly farmers' market. Here is a sample of photographs of the activities. Go to: Down Home Days |